Oscar Nominee Aunajnue Ellis and Christine Swanson Remember Activist Fannie Lou Hamer
Before #BLM there was Fannie Lou Hamer fighting for the rights of Black folks to vote - among other things. Her name is barely mentioned or recalled these days, but with Director Christine Swanson and Oscar nominee new short 'FANNIE' all of that is about to change. As part of the AAFCA Roundtable series, myself and a group of esteemed journalists sat down to have a chat about all of it and their upcoming feature on Ms Hamer - "SUNFLOWER.'
The Curvy Critic with Carla Renata, broadcast every Monday at 5pm PT, is a podcast focused on film reviews and interviews with talent above and below the line. Who is Carla Renata? The Curvy Critic Website (written film reviews) www.thecurvyfilmcritic.com